Corporate Brand
Transforming from Nikke as a wool specialist to a corporate group that is gentle and warm toward people and the planet.
Since it was founded in 1896, Nikke has made various efforts for improvement in quality and the development of technologies as a comprehensive wool manufacturer, and has contributed to the development of the textile industry in Japan, gaining a reputation as Nikke as a wool specialist.
And, Nikke celebrated the 120-year anniversary of its foundation in December 2016. To reestablish Nikke's direction, company image, and business strategies for the next 10 years, we have formulated the mid- to long-term vision called Renewal of Nikke 130 (RN 130 Vision) to continue to improve our corporate value in the mid to long term.
Corporate Philosophy
"The Nikke Group will meet every challenge with passion and pride as a corporate group
that is gentle and warm toward people and the planet."
Turning an eye toward undeveloped fields, the Nikke Group will make bold efforts for the development and provision of highly functional products and the best services for communities, aiming to be a company creating future lifestyles.
The Nikke Group will set a goal for every division of the Group to create attractive businesses that represent a company creating a future, as shown in our philosophy.
Corporate Principles
- Aspire to be a vigorous corporate group in which all employees of the Group have a "can-do" attitude and can grow.
- Create new markets with unique products and services derived from the voice of the customer, and research and development.
- Always look to the future and maintain a global point of view, and contribute to the development of our customers and society, which are spread all over the world.
- In order to continue winning in many markets, reform and/or develop our business by widely seeking human resources and integrating various kinds of knowledge.
- Aim to achieve sustainable growth and improve our corporate value in the mid to long term, by building durable relationships of trust with a broad range of stakeholders, including our customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, and local communities.
The Nikke Group aims to be a company that is valuable for all stakeholders, and believes that it is important to make steady efforts so as to grow every year. For that purpose, we will set a goal for every division of the Group to create attractive businesses that represent a company creating a future, as shown in our philosophy.
Direction the Nikke Group should take
Turning an eye toward undeveloped fields and improving our skills and services so that we can establish a unique position in business. The Group has adopted the Division Company System, consisting of four business lines (Textile & Clothing Materials, Industrial Machinery & Materials, Human & Future Development, and Consumer Goods & Services), in order to conduct business management which provides prompt responses. In each business, attempts will be made to strategize and develop the business based on the VOC (voice of the customer),* to shift our activities from simply product-out to market-in.
(*) The term "voice of the customer" (VOC) means, in our understanding, to continuously track and review the demands and views of customers, activities of competitors and new entrants, changes in markets, and other factors based on hypotheses in regard to business activities, to improve business performance.

- As for human resource strategies, we will make efforts for our human resource strategies by establishing human resource principles and a human resource vision based on the ideas of our corporate philosophy and corporate principles, which are fostering challengers who possess the abilities to think, act, and change on their own initiative.
- At our R&D center, we will set emerging fields which are beyond the areas that the divisions in the Group are engaged in as areas of research and development, and will unearth new themes and develop products, materials, services, and technologies together with various divisions centering on the domains of health/comfort, the environment, and safety/security.